What is a Life Problem, and Why Solve it Mathematically?

In math, a problem is defined as a question or set of questions that can be solved using a given set of tools. In contrast, a life problem is any question or challenge that you encounter in your day-to-day existence.¹ While some life problems can be easily solved using common sense and experience, others may be more difficult to figure out. This is where math can come in handy.

By applying mathematical principles to your problem, you can often find a more efficient solution than you would have otherwise. In addition, the process of solving a problem mathematically can help you develop new skills and improve your analytical thinking.

How Can You Solve a Life Problem Using Math?

Many people think of math as a dry and abstract discipline, but math is an incredibly powerful tool that can solve all sorts of problems. In fact, some of the most famous mathematicians in history have been able to solve complex life problems using nothing more than simple equations. For example, in the 18th century, French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace used math to predict the future position of planets.2

What are Examples of Life Problems Solved Using Math?

Math is often viewed as an abstract area. However, it has several common applications in our daily life. Math can be used to solve all sorts of problems, big and small. For example, mathematical optimization can be used to find the most efficient route for a delivery truck or the best way to schedule employees at a call center. It can also be used to design more fuel-efficient cars and planes. That’s just the beginning!

Are There Limitations to Using Math to Solve Life Problems?

  • Not all life problems can be expressed in mathematical terms. For example, questions of morality and personal preferences cannot be reduced to numbers and equations. 
  • Even when a problem can be expressed mathematically, there may not be a clear solution. In many cases, math can only provide clues and possible approaches rather than a definitive answer. 
  • Calculation mistakes can lead to incorrect solutions, which can cause more problems than they solve.

Despite these limitations, math remains a powerful tool for understanding and solving many problems we face in life.

How to Know When You’ve Solved a Life Problem Mathematically?

Some general steps can be followed to arrive at a mathematical solution. 

  • First, identify the problem that needs to be solved. Next, gather information about the problem, including relevant data or background information. 
  • Once you clearly understand the problem, begin brainstorming possible solutions. Once you have generated a list of potential solutions, it’s time to start testing them out. 
  • Try to find a way to model the problem mathematically, and then experiment with different solutions to see which ones produce the best results.
  • Ultimately, the goal is to find a logical and effective solution. If you can do that, you can be confident that you’ve found a mathematical solution to your life problem.

Tips to Successfully Solve Life Problems Mathematically

Here are a few tips for solving life problems mathematically:

1) Break the problem down into smaller pieces. This will make it easier to find a pattern or solution.

2) Write down what you know about the problem. This will help you see what information is missing and what assumptions you are making.

3) Draw a picture or diagram. This can help visualize the problem and see relationships between different elements.

4) Persevere. There is no unsolvable problem in real life, so don’t give up! Keep working at it until you find a solution.

The Benefits of Using Math to Solve Life Problems

Math can be useful in solving all sorts of problems we face in everyday life. For example, math can help us budget our money, and calculate how much time we need to complete a task. Learning to use math to solve problems can make our lives simpler and more efficient.

In addition, using math can help in developing critical thinking skills that can be applied to other areas of our lives. For instance, if we learn to break down a complex problem into smaller pieces, we can apply this process to problems at work or in our relationships. Ultimately, learning how to use math to solve problems can positively impact every aspect of our lives. 
If you are looking for ways to help your children with real-world problems, BYJU’S FutureSchool blog is a great resource. The blog posts offer mathematical solutions to everyday issues, from budgeting and travel to cooking and gardening. You can also find helpful tips for parents on how to support their children’s learning. Check out the blog today and see how you and your family can start using math to solve real-life problems!

Mathematics as a Complex Problem-Solving Activity | Generation Ready. (2021, January 6). Mathematics as a Complex Problem-Solving Activity | Generation Ready. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from https://www.generationready.com/white-papers/mathematics-as-a-complex-problem-solving-activity/
Pierre Simon de Laplace and his true love for Astronomy and Mathematics Generation Ready. (2018, March 18). Pierre Simon de Laplace and his true love for Astronomy and Mathematics. Retrieved November 9, 2022, from http://scihi.org/laplace-astronomy-mathematics/

About the Author

More than just Coding and Math! Our proprietary, activity-based curriculum with live, real-time instruction facilitates: Problem Solving. Creative Thinking. Grit. Confidence. Communication