The Pythagorean Theorem: What is it?

The Pythagoras theorem, also referred to as the Pythagorean theorem, states that “the sum of squares of two sides of a right angled triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.1 This theorem is named after Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician who made extensive contributions to the field of math.1 

The theorem has applications in practically every aspect of our daily lives, including constructions, space flight, navigation, business analysis, spreadsheets, computer science, surveys, and a ton of physical science formulas, which are used in the construction of automobiles, designs and drafts, among other things. Here are few examples of how the Pythagorean Theorem is used in everyday life:1, 2



The Pythagorean theorem is helpful in 2D navigation. While sailors use it to calculate the shortest route by drawing two vertical lines and two horizontal lines from their current position, pilots use it to determine the precise geolocation to begin a safe descent to the destination’s airport.



The Pythagoras theorem is another tool that painters use when painting structures. To finish the job safely, they must assess the ladder’s height and distance from the wall. In this instance, the ladder serves as the theorem’s hypotenuse.



In architecture, the Pythagorean theorem can be used to determine the length of any diagonal that connects two straight lines. This feature is very beneficial when designing and building.

Design and Construction

Design and Construction

Square shapes and right angles are frequently used in building plans and construction work. The Pythagoras theorem’s fundamental property, which states that a triangle will always have a right angle if its sides meet the condition, is used by engineers for this purpose.

Television and Computer Screens

Television and Computer Screens

The size of TVs and monitors is always specified in terms of diagonal. If a television is specified as 32 inches in size, its size is the diagonal measurement, known as the hypotenuse.3

The Pythagorean Theorem is the basis for many fields outside of math, including physics, geology, architecture, and more. Children can practice the Pythagoras theorem through a variety of interactive activities, including math games, puzzles, and worksheets.

Understanding how various concepts are applied in real-world situations is one of the best ways for children to understand them clearly. On BYJU’S FutureSchool Blog, you can read about practical applications and examples of various such disciplines.


  1. Real Life Uses Pythagorean Theorem – Online Readers Hub. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2022, from 
  2. Real Life Uses of the Pythagorean Theorem. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2022, from 
  3. How to Measure a TV Screen. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2022, from