HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the code that makes up a web page. It’s a standard language that all web browsers understand. So, by using HTML, you can create pages that will look the same on any device or platform. In addition to basic text formatting options, HTML allows you to add images, videos, and other multimedia content to your pages.1 Plus, it provides ways to control how your content is displayed and interacted with by users. If you’re interested in learning more about HTML and how to use it to create beautiful and effective web pages, keep reading!

What are the Benefits of Using HTML in Web Pages?

  • When creating a website, HTML is the foundation that holds all the content and design elements together.2 
  • It gives structure to the web page, defining things like headings, paragraphs, and links. Without HTML, a web page would just be a jumbled mess of text and images.
  • While other technologies, such as CSS and JavaScript programming languages, add to the esthetic and functionality of a website, HTML remains a crucial component in every single webpage.3
  • However, beyond just the esthetic, HTML also plays a key role in improving a website’s search engine optimization (SEO).4 By including proper tags and titles, HTML helps search engines easily crawl and index a site, improving its chances of showing up in relevant search results.
  • For web developers and marketers alike, understanding and utilizing HTML can lead to improved online visibility and increased potential for success. In short, HTML is essential for building an effective website.

How Does HTML Work?

When a user visits a website, the browser sends a request to the server hosting the site. The server then retrieves the HTML document and sends it back to the browser. The browser reads the HTML code and translates it into a visual layout, allowing the user to interact with the website. 

HTML plays an essential role in this process, as it determines the structure and content of a website. Along with the programming languages CSS and JavaScript, HTML allows developers to create visually appealing and functional websites. Along with being important, HTML is quite easy for beginners to learn and use.5

By understanding basic tags and attributes, even novice developers can create their own meaningful web content. Overall, HTML is an integral part of building successful websites.

Most web browsers, such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer®, Mozilla® Firefox, or Google Chrome™, can render HTML pages. Additionally, there are several free and commercial software packages available that will allow you to view HTML pages offline.

How to Develop a Webpage Using HTML?

As a web developer, it is important to have a solid understanding of HTML. Creating an HTML page is relatively simple. Many free and commercial software packages available will assist you in creating your page. Additionally, several online tutorials can guide you through the process. 

Here are some basic steps to create an HTML page.7,9

  • To begin using HTML, first, create a blank document with a text editor and save it with the “.html” file extension.
  • The document can then be viewed in any web browser, where you will see merely the raw HTML code. 
  • Through the use of tags such as <p> for paragraph and <img> for image, you can add content to the page. 
  • It is also possible to enhance the design and layout through the use of CSS and other styling languages. 

By including these elements in your HTML code, you can create well-designed and functional web pages. 

What are Some Common HTML Tags?

When writing HTML code, tags are used to indicate the purpose of different elements on a webpage. The most commonly used tags include the paragraph tag <p>, which denotes a block of text; the image tag <img>, which displays an image; and the link tag <a>, which allows for hyperlinking to other pages. 

Other essential tags include heading tags <h1> through <h6>, which designate different levels of headings; list tags <ol> and <ul>, used for ordered and unordered lists, respectively; and the div tag <div>, which acts as a container for other content on a webpage.8

These are just some of the many HTML tags at a web developer’s disposal – learning their functions is crucial for creating visually appealing and functional websites.

HTML is the backbone of website design and function. It provides a structure for web pages that allows browsers to understand and display the content on the page. By understanding how HTML works, you can create better websites with more sophisticated features. 

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  1. What is .HTM? – Definition from Techopedia. (n.d.).
  2. HTML basics – Learn web development | MDN. (n.d.). HTML Basics – Learn Web Development | MDN. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from
  3. sand, O. (2018, January 4). 7 Benefits of HTML for Websites. Medium. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from
  4. Zarudnyi, A. (2021, April 27). Must-Know HTML Tags for SEOs and Digital Marketers. SE Ranking Blog.
  5. The Ultimate Guide to HTML for Beginners: How to Write, Learn & Use It. (2022, December 4). The Ultimate Guide to HTML for Beginners: How to Write, Learn & Use It. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from
  6. How to Make Web Pages Available for Offline Viewing | Generation Ready. How to Make Web Pages Available for Offline Viewing | Generation Ready. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from
  7. How to make a simple web page using HTML 2-2. (n.d.). Retrieved December 23, 2022 from 
  8. The HTML Section Heading elements – HTML&; HyperText Markup Language. The HTML Section Heading elements – HTML&; HyperText Markup Language| Generation Ready. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from
  9. Lanigan, M. L. (2010). Creating a Web Page Using HTML, XHTML, and CSS: The Basics.Retrieved December 23, 2022 from 

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More than just Coding and Math! Our proprietary, activity-based curriculum with live, real-time instruction facilitates: Problem Solving. Creative Thinking. Grit. Confidence. Communication