What was taught in college 15 years ago that we believed would be crucial in the modern world is now irrelevant. The primary function of programming has changed from that of a tool to that of a medium for social, economic, and telegraphic exchange.1 Globally dominant firms are currently engaged in a massive human relationship development effort, as evident from the rise of social networking platforms. Instantaneous global communication at the touch of a button has made it possible to communicate with anyone, whether friends, family, or strangers. We can protect our data on smartphones, laptops, and organizational data servers with the help of various data privacy apps. Programming can also be used to achieve cybersecurity. A digital canvas allows us to record and share our life with the world. The things we have learned on our travels can be shared with the world through blog articles. There was a time when people placed a high value on physical objects, but in today’s society, intangible things like ideas and services are more valuable than ever.
Table of Contents
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- More and more people are using AI, and this trend will likely continue.
- Companies increasingly rely on machine learning to perform tasks as varied as producing components and operating vehicles, necessitating larger processors to keep up with the AI demands.2
- Neural networks are used by businesses across sectors to acquire new knowledge and even interact with their customers.3
- Think about whether you’ve ever used a virtual travel agency or automated investment techniques. There is an AI underpinning to each of these.
Change in Industries
- Companies are using AI now more than ever before.4
- Most software engineers think their organizations use much more code now than they did a decade ago, and a startling many say that companies use 100 times more code now than they did a decade ago.5
- It’s likely because more businesses are now employing apps than ever before. In the past, most apps were either games or functionalities for the IT sector.6
- Nowadays, you can do everything from talking to your therapist to getting your groceries delivered using a mobile app. With increased app usage comes a higher need for programmers and those who can write code.
Coding is Easier to Learn Now
- Just over a decade ago, getting your hands on some pre-written code was far more difficult. More programs are made available to the public as open source.
- Freely available online, developers can choose from millions of pre-written bits of code for use in their apps, websites, and other projects. Learning to code from scratch is also generally less difficult.
- Before the internet, learning something new meant either going to college or spending countless hours reading through dense, difficult tutorials.
- The number of accessible coding tutorials and learning tools has increased significantly in recent years. It is also far less difficult to initiate projects as an active learning method to code.
- The abbreviation “API” refers to the “Application Programming Interface,” which is a “software mediator” that facilitates communication between programs.7
- You use an application programming interface whenever you check the weather, send a text message or use your social media app on your phone.
- The encoding process has become more standardized. Ten years ago, businesses went to great lengths to ensure their programs were incompatible with those of other companies, making the job of programmers more difficult by forcing them to rewrite code to accommodate new platforms constantly.
- Application programming interfaces (APIs) are the norm these days, and they often adhere to a basic set of standards that streamline the process of developing a program and integrating it with several systems. It’s worth noting that APIs aren’t completely risk-free and don’t work perfectly just yet.
New Coding Languages
Modern programming languages continue to be created. Learning new programming languages can help you in your coding pursuits, especially if you have an understanding of some of the more popular languages. GitHub, a popular code hosting platform, noted in its 2022 Octoverse report, that JavaScript, Python, Java, TypeScript, and C# were the most popular languages used within GitHub. Following Java and Python in the top 10, is Shell, C, and Ruby. 8,9 Programming has changed significantly in the last 15 years. It is now much easier for anyone to learn programming through the Internet. There are online videos, e-books, master classes, and much more that can help you learn programming languages.
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- Elye. (2020, September 7). The Evolution of Coding. Better Programming. Retrieved 8 October, 2022, from https://betterprogramming.pub/the-evolution-of-coding-profession-45eab9397466?gi=71b6b71903f3
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise. (2021, August 19). The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning. HPE. Retrieved 8 October, 2022, from https://www.hpe.com/us/en/insights/articles/the-rise-of-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-2108.html
- Orza. (2022). The Business Applications of Artificial Neural Networks. The Business Applications of Artificial Neural Networks. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from https://levity.ai/blog/business-applications-artificial-neural-networks
- Mckendrick. (2021, September 27). AI Adoption Skyrocketed Over the Last 18 Months. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from https://hbr.org/2021/09/ai-adoption-skyrocketed-over-the-last-18-months
- Salter, J. (2020, October 1). Sourcegraph: Devs are managing 100x more code now than they did in 2010. Ars Technica. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/10/sourcegraph-devs-are-managing-100x-more-code-now-than-they-did-in-2010/
- Elye. (2020, September 7). The Evolution of Coding. Better Programming. Retrieved 8 October, 2022, from https://betterprogramming.pub/the-evolution-of-coding-profession-45eab9397466?gi=71b6b71903f3
- What is an API? (n.d). Amazon Web Services. Retrieved 8 October, 2022, from https://aws.amazon.com/what-is/api/
- Tung. (2022). Programming languages: C++ overtakes PHP, but JavaScript, Python and Java still rule. ZDNET. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from https://www.zdnet.com/article/programming-languages-c-overtakes-php-but-javascript-python-and-java-still-rule/
- Tung. (2022). Programming languages: C++ overtakes PHP, but JavaScript, Python and Java still rule. ZDNET. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from https://www.zdnet.com/article/programming-languages-c-overtakes-php-but-javascript-python-and-java-still-rule/